Welcome to Hospital and Outreach Education

The trust won the NASEN 2022 Award for Technology for the Av1 project.
You can find out more about the AV1 project here :- https:// skylarkpartnershiptrust.co.uk/ the-av1-project/
The Skylark Partnership trustees, local advisory body and staff are delighted to introduce you to the work of our Alternative Provision (AP) Academy.
Hospital and Outreach Education (HOE) is an Alternative Provision Academy which is commissioned by Northamptonshire County Council to provide educational support for children and young people aged 4 to 18 who cannot attend mainstream school due to a diagnosed complex medical and/or mental health condition.
We provide personalised learning and support for pupils so that they are enabled to make rapid progress in their learning and emotional well being. Our teaching and support helps our pupils successfully transition back to their home school or the next phase in their learning.
We cannot change our pupil’s past experiences but we can influence their future in restoring their self confidence and self esteem, and giving them the resilience and tools to be able to cope in their chosen educational or vocational destination. We firmly believe that all our pupils can achieve, regardless of their personal circumstances and medical or mental health condition.
Parents cannot apply for their child to attend Hospital and Outreach Education. Referrals are made by their child’s school and are supported by a medical practitioner.